Saturday 21 March 2020

Double Stitch

Some next step about half double crochet stitch.

  1. Round the hook on yarn.
  2. Enter into second chain to hook and wrap over the yarn.
  3. Now you have 3 loops on your hook. Fold the yarn over again.
  4. And get it through the three circles on your hook at once.
  5. Repeat the above guide till you complete row. 

Crochet Stitch

Basic Crochet Stitches after single crochet chain.
Follow all the step for stitch more crochet.

  1. Enter the hook into second chain from hook.
  2. Fold the yarn around the hook. Draw the yarn through the chain join 2.
  3. Presently you have two circles on the hook. Fold the yarn over again and get it through the two circles on your hook at once.
  4. You have finished single knit stitch.
  5. Embed the guide into next chain to proceed with the row in a similar way.

Friday 20 March 2020

Simple Chain

Starting with a simple chain making. You need two things:
Yarn, Hook
  • Bring the yarn over the hook from back to front and snatch it with the hook.
  • Presently bring hooked yarn through slip hitch and onto the hook.

Crochet Starting

How to start work with Crochet , here some basic steps for starting Crochet.